Top 10 Haunted Places in Panama – Horror Locations in Panama

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The allure of haunted locations is undeniable. For paranormal enthusiasts the thrill of encountering the unknown is an irresistible draw. Adventure seekers relish the adrenaline rush that comes with exploring these eerie spots, while history buffs appreciate the rich stories and cultural significance that such places often hold. In Panama a country brimming with historical depth and natural beauty, there are several haunted sites that promise a mix of intrigue mystery and a dash of the supernatural.

Panama’s Rich Cultural and Historical Significance

Panama is a country steeped in history and culture. From its role as a key transit point during the Spanish colonial era to its pivotal position in global trade today the country’s past is filled with fascinating events. This history has left its mark on the land contributing to the folklore and legends that surround many of its haunted locations. Exploring these sites offers not just a chance to encounter the supernatural but also an opportunity to delve into the country’s rich heritage.

1. Casco Viejo – Haunted Places in Panama

Casco Viejo Panama City’s historic district is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its charming colonial architecture. However beneath its picturesque exterior lies a darker side. Numerous tales of ghostly apparitions and unexplained occurrences have been reported here. Visitors have claimed to see the specter of a woman in old fashioned clothing wandering the streets at night. Some locals believe she is the ghost of a lover who died tragically forever roaming the area in search of her lost love. The atmosphere in Casco Viejo after dark is thick with history and mystery making it a must visit for thrill seekers.

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Image: Wikipedia

2. La Catedral Metropolitana – Haunted Places in Panama

Located in the heart of Casco Viejo La Catedral Metropolitana is not just a place of worship but also a hotspot for paranormal activity. Many believe that spirits of long deceased clergy still inhabit the cathedral. Stories of strange noises, cold spots and even ghostly figures appearing during mass have been passed down through generations. The cathedral’s ancient crypts which lie beneath the main altar add another layer of eerie fascination. Those brave enough to explore may feel the temperature drop suddenly or sense an inexplicable presence nearby.

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Image: Wikipedia

3. Portobelo – Haunted Places in Panama

Portobelo a historic port town on the Caribbean coast is famous for its ruins and pirate history. But it’s also known for something far spookier. The town is home to the Black Christ statue, a figure shrouded in legend and mystery. Local folklore tells of miraculous events and unexplained phenomena surrounding the statue. Some even claim to have seen spectral figures wandering the ruins of the old fortifications at night. The combination of haunted relics and pirate lore makes Portobelo a fascinating destination for anyone interested in the paranormal.

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Image: Wikipedia

4. San Lorenzo Fort – Haunted Places in Panama

The San Lorenzo Fort is another site that combines rich history with eerie tales. Perched on a cliff overlooking the Chagres River the fort has witnessed countless battles and skirmishes over the centuries. Visitors often report feeling an overwhelming sense of dread and unease here especially near the old dungeons. Some have even heard the faint sounds of cannon fire and cries of soldiers long gone. The fort’s remote location only adds to the chilling atmosphere making it a prime spot for ghost hunters.

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5. El Chorrillo – Haunted Places in Panama

El Chorrillo a neighborhood in Panama City, was the site of intense conflict during the U.S. invasion of Panama in 1989. The area was heavily bombarded resulting in significant loss of life. Today residents and visitors alike report seeing shadowy figures and hearing disembodied voices especially in the areas that were hardest hit. The tragic history of El Chorrillo has left a lingering impact with many believing that the spirits of those who perished still haunt the area. Exploring the neighborhood can be a sobering yet thrilling experience.

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6. Isla Taboga – Haunted Places in Panama

Known as the Island of Flowers Isla Taboga also has a reputation for being haunted. The island is home to the ruins of the San Pedro Prison where inmates endured harsh conditions and many met untimely deaths. Visitors have reported hearing strange noises and feeling an unsettling presence in the old prison cells. Some even claim to have seen apparitions of former prisoners. The island’s beautiful scenery contrasts sharply with the dark history of its haunted prison offering a unique experience for adventurous souls.

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7. Las Ruinas de Panama Viejo – Haunted Places in Panama

Panamá Viejo the original site of Panama City is now a sprawling archaeological site. The ruins here tell the story of the city’s early days and its destruction by the pirate Henry Morgan in 1671. Many believe that the spirits of those who died during the attack still roam the ruins. Nighttime visitors often report seeing ghostly figures and hearing unexplained noises among the ancient stones. The sense of history and tragedy that permeates Panamá Viejo makes it a compelling destination for both history buffs and paranormal enthusiasts.

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Image: Wikipedia

8. The Canal Zone – Haunted Places in Panama

The Panama Canal Zone once controlled by the United States is another area rich in history and hauntings. Numerous buildings in the zone, including the old military barracks and hospitals are reputed to be haunted. Employees and visitors have reported a variety of paranormal experiences from objects moving on their own to full bodied apparitions. The stories are so prevalent that the canal zone has become a popular spot for ghost tours. Exploring these haunted locations offers a unique perspective on the history of the Panama Canal.

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9. Cerro Ancon – Haunted Places in Panama

Cerro Ancon is a prominent hill overlooking Panama City. It’s a popular spot for hikers and nature lovers but it’s also known for its haunted reputation. Local legends tell of a ghostly figure that appears at the summit, especially on foggy mornings. Some say it’s the spirit of an indigenous leader who once lived in the area. Others believe it’s the ghost of a woman who lost her life on the hill. The breathtaking views from the summit combined with the eerie atmosphere make Cerro Ancon a fascinating destination for those seeking both natural beauty and supernatural thrills.

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10. El Tornillo – Haunted Places in Panama

El Tornillo also known as The Screw is a modern skyscraper in Panama City. Its unique spiral design makes it a striking landmark but it’s also rumored to be haunted. Workers and tenants have reported strange occurrences such as unexplained noises and sudden drafts of cold air. Some even claim to have seen apparitions in the building’s reflective windows. While it may seem surprising for a modern building to have a haunted reputation El Tornillo’s eerie tales add a layer of intrigue to its architectural marvel.

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Image: Wikipedia

The Paranormal Community in Panama

Panama boasts a vibrant and active paranormal community passionate about exploring the country’s haunted locations. Local ghost hunters historians and folklore enthusiasts often collaborate to uncover and document the stories behind these haunted sites. These individuals play a crucial role in preserving Panama’s paranormal heritage ensuring that the tales of the supernatural continue to captivate and intrigue future generations. The significance of these haunted locations extends beyond mere ghost stories they are an integral part of Panama’s cultural fabric and collective memory.

Practical Information for Adventure Seekers

If you’re planning to explore Panama’s haunted locations, here’s some practical information to keep in mind:

  • Best Times to Visit: For a more atmospheric experience consider visiting these sites in the late afternoon or early evening when the light begins to fade. Some locations may require special permission for nighttime visits.
  • Safety Tips: Always prioritize your safety. Stick to well trodden paths and avoid venturing into deserted or restricted areas alone. Bring a flashlight water, and a fully charged phone.
  • Respect Local Communities and Traditions: Show respect for local customs and traditions. Many of these haunted sites have deep cultural significance so it’s essential to engage with the communities respectfully and thoughtfully.


Exploring Panama’s haunted locations offers a unique blend of adventure history and the supernatural. Each site provides its own distinct experience weaving together tales of the past with eerie encounters. Beyond the thrill of ghost hunting these locations offer valuable insights into Panama’s rich cultural and historical heritage. By preserving and respecting these sites we help keep the stories and traditions alive for future generations to explore and cherish.

Have you visited any haunted locations in Panama We’d love to hear your stories and experiences Share them in the comments below or tag us in your posts. Let’s continue to build a community of paranormal enthusiasts adventure seekers and history buffs who share a passion for the unknown.


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