Top 10 Haunted Places in Barbados

Top 10 Haunted Places in Barbados - creepyhq

Horror Locations in Barbados

If you are looking for some spooky adventures in Barbados, you might want to check out these top 10 haunted locations on the island. From eerie plantations to mysterious vaults, these places will give you the chills and thrill you with their stories. Here are some more details about each of them.

1. Fisherpond Great House – Haunted Places in Barbados

This 350-year-old plantation house is said to be haunted by several ghosts, including a young girl named Violet who drowned in the pond and likes to lock people in the bathroom. The owners have also reported hearing glasses clinking and footsteps on the stairs at night. The house is now a popular venue for weddings and events, but some guests have experienced strange phenomena such as cold spots, flickering lights, and moving objects.

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2. The Chase Mausoleum – Haunted Places in Barbados

This vault in Christ Church Cemetery is famous for its moving coffins. In the early 1800s, the coffins of the Chase family were found rearranged inside the sealed vault, even though no one had tampered with it. The coffins were eventually buried elsewhere and the vault was left empty. Some theories suggest that the movements were caused by flooding, earthquakes, or magnetic forces, but no one knows for sure

The Chase Mausoleum - Haunted Places in Barbados- creepyhq
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3. Hanson Plantation House – Haunted Places in Barbados

This plantation in St. Michael was owned by Sir John Berney and had 66 African slaves working there in 1792. The current residents have witnessed paranormal activity such as doors slamming and footsteps in the corridors. Some believe that the ghosts of the slaves are still haunting the place, seeking revenge for their mistreatment and suffering.

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4. Halton Plantation House – Haunted Places in Barbados

An elderly man has been seen roaming this plantation house, which dates back to the 17th century. Some speculate that he is the ghost of Samuel Rouse, who was buried in the family vault at Halton Plantation in 1784. The vault can still be seen today, hidden in a cart road. The man is said to be friendly and harmless, but sometimes he likes to play pranks on visitors.

Halton Plantation House - Haunted Places in Barbados- creepyhq
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5. St. Lucy Parish Cemetery – Haunted Places in Barbados

This cemetery has a strange vault with an inscription that reads “This vault shall never be opened”. According to local legend, two witches were burned at the stake and their ashes were buried in this vault. No one knows what would happen if someone tried to open it, but some say that it would unleash a curse or a plague on the island.

St. Lucy Parish Cemetery - Haunted Places in Barbados- creepyhq
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6. Animal Flower Cave – Haunted Places in Barbados

This cave at the northern tip of Barbados is not only a natural wonder, but also a haunted spot. It is said that the cave was once used as a hideout by pirates and smugglers, and that their spirits still linger there. Some visitors have reported feeling cold spots and hearing voices in the cave. The cave also has a natural pool where you can swim, but be careful not to disturb the sea anemones that live there.

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7. Crane Beach – Haunted Places in Barbados

This beautiful beach is also a site of tragedy. In 1838, a ship carrying 300 slaves from Africa sank off the coast of Crane Beach, and many of them drowned or were eaten by sharks. Some say that their screams can still be heard on stormy nights, and that their ghosts haunt the beach and the nearby Crane Resort. The resort is one of the oldest and most luxurious hotels in Barbados, but it also has a dark history.

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8. Barbados Wildlife Reserve – Haunted Places in Barbados

This reserve is home to many animals, but also to some supernatural beings. It is said that a witch named Bessie lives in a hut in the reserve, and that she can shape-shift into different animals. She is known to curse anyone who disturbs her or harms her animal friends. The reserve also has a walk-through aviary where you can see colorful birds and feed them by hand.

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Image: Wikipedia

9. George Washington House – Haunted Places in Barbados

This historic house in Bridgetown was where George Washington stayed during his visit to Barbados in 1751. It is also where he contracted smallpox, which left him scarred for life. Some say that his ghost still haunts the house, and that he can be seen looking out of the windows or walking around the rooms. The house is now a museum where you can learn more about his life and his connection to Barbados.

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10. Farley Hill National Park – Haunted Places in Barbados

This park was once a grand plantation mansion, but it was destroyed by fire in 1965. The ruins are now a popular attraction, but also a haunted one. Some say that the ghost of Sir Graham Briggs, who owned the mansion, still wanders around the park, along with his wife and children. The park also offers stunning views of the east coast and hosts cultural events such as festivals and concerts.

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These are some of the most haunted locations in Barbados, but there are many more to explore if you dare. Just remember to be respectful and careful when you visit these places, as you never know what might happen.


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