Top 10 Haunted Places in Lebanon – Horror Locations in Lebanon

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Lebanon a country steeped in history and culture holds a magnetic allure for those fascinated by the supernatural. The intricate tapestry of Lebanon’s past is interwoven with tales of hauntings making it a prime destination for paranormal enthusiasts adventure seekers and history buffs alike. In this blog post we explore the top 10 haunted locations in Lebanon providing a detailed look into their eerie histories and the ghostly legends that surround them.

Lebanon’s Rich Cultural and Historical Significance

Lebanon’s rich cultural heritage and historical significance are evident in its ancient ruins historic buildings and centuries old traditions. From the Phoenician civilization to Ottoman rule the layers of Lebanon’s history create a unique backdrop for the supernatural stories that have been passed down through generations. These haunted locations offer more than just ghostly encounters they provide a glimpse into the country’s storied past.

1. The Grand Sofar Hotel – Haunted Places in Lebanon

Once a luxurious retreat for the elite the Grand Sofar Hotel now stands as a crumbling testament to a bygone era. Built in 1892 the hotel was a hub for the rich and famous including kings and diplomats. Today it is said to be haunted by the spirits of guests from the past. Visitors report hearing eerie piano music disembodied voices and footsteps echoing through the halls. The sense of nostalgia mixed with an overwhelming feeling of being watched makes this location both fascinating and chilling.

The Grand Sofar Hotel - Haunted Places in Lebanon - creepyhq
Image: Wikipedia

2. The Lady of Zahle’s House – Haunted Places in Lebanon

The Lady of Zahle’s House also known as Beit Loubnan is notorious for its haunted reputation. Locals tell tales of a woman who roams the house at night her presence marked by sudden drops in temperature and unexplained noises. Some believe she is the spirit of a former resident who met a tragic end. Paranormal investigators often visit the house to capture evidence of ghostly activity making it a hotspot for those seeking a supernatural thrill.

The Lady of Zahle's House - Haunted Places in Lebanon - creepyhq
Image: Wikipedia

3. The Massabki Hotel – Haunted Places in Lebanon

Located in Chtaura the Massabki Hotel is another historic establishment with a haunted past. Built in the early 20th century the hotel has hosted many notable figures over the years. However guests have reported ghostly encounters, particularly in rooms 13 and 37. Stories of flickering lights moving objects and apparitions have earned the Massabki Hotel a place on Lebanon’s list of haunted locations.

The Massabki Hotel - Haunted Places in Lebanon - creepyhq
Image info: Source

4. The Haunted Mansion of Bhamdoun – Haunted Places in Lebanon

Perched on a hill in Bhamdoun, this abandoned mansion is shrouded in mystery and ghostly legends. Once a grand family home it is now in ruins with locals claiming it is haunted by the spirits of those who perished under tragic circumstances. Visitors often report hearing whispers and seeing shadowy figures, making it a popular destination for paranormal investigators and thrill seekers.

The Haunted Mansion of Bhamdoun - Haunted Places in Lebanon - creepyhq
Image: Wikipedia

5. The Old Train Station of Rayak – Haunted Places in Lebanon

The Old Train Station of Rayak built during the Ottoman era is a relic of Lebanon’s railway history. Despite its historical significance the station is believed to be haunted by the souls of those who died in train accidents. The sound of phantom trains and ghostly apparitions have been reported by those brave enough to visit the dilapidated site after dark.

The Old Train Station of Rayak - Haunted Places in Lebanon - creepyhq
Image: Wikipedia

6. The House of the Weeping Widow – Haunted Places in Lebanon

In the heart of Beirut lies the House of the Weeping Widow a place steeped in sorrow and ghostly lore. The story goes that a widow who lost her entire family in a tragic accident haunts the house her cries echoing through the night. Visitors have claimed to hear sobbing and feel an overwhelming sense of sadness when approaching the building.

Image: Wikipedia

7. The Ruins of Anjar – Haunted Places in Lebanon

Anjar, an ancient city with roots dating back to the Umayyad period is rich in history and paranormal activity. The ruins are said to be haunted by spirits of soldiers and civilians who lived and died there. Nighttime visitors report hearing the sounds of battle ghostly figures in ancient attire and an eerie silence that hangs over the site.

 The Ruins of Anjar - Haunted Places in Lebanon - creepyhq
Image: Wikipedia

8. The Ghostly Church of Ehmej – Haunted Places in Lebanon

The Church of Ehmej an old abandoned church in the mountains is renowned for its paranormal occurrences. Locals believe the church is haunted by a priest who was wrongfully accused and executed. Witnesses claim to see his ghostly figure praying inside the church accompanied by the smell of incense and the sound of faint chanting.

The Ghostly Church of Ehmej - Haunted Places in Lebanon - creepyhq
Image: Source

9. The Phoenician Wall of Batroun – Haunted Places in Lebanon

The ancient Phoenician Wall in Batroun is not only a historical marvel but also a site of ghostly legends. Built to protect the city from invaders the wall is said to be haunted by the spirits of ancient warriors. Visitors have reported seeing spectral figures patrolling the wall and hearing the clashing of swords as if the battles of old continue to this day.

The Phoenician Wall of Batroun - Haunted Places in Lebanon - creepyhq
Image: Source

10. The Abandoned Village of Deir el Qamar – Haunted Places in Lebanon

Deir el Qamar once a thriving village now stands abandoned and surrounded by tales of hauntings. The village’s old houses and narrow streets are said to be inhabited by restless spirits. Visitors often experience sudden chills hear unexplained noises and see ghostly apparitions making Deir el Qamar a must visit for paranormal enthusiasts.

The Abandoned Village of Deir el Qamar - Haunted Places in Lebanon - creepyhq
Image: Wikipedia

The Paranormal Community in Lebanon

The paranormal community in Lebanon is vibrant and growing with many enthusiasts and investigators dedicated to exploring the country’s haunted locations. These sites hold significant importance in local folklore with stories passed down through generations. The blend of history and supernatural intrigue creates a unique culture that draws both locals and tourists alike.

Practical Information for Adventure Seekers

For those eager to explore Lebanon’s haunted locations here are some practical tips

  • Best Times to Visit: Early mornings and late evenings are ideal for experiencing the eerie atmosphere of these sites.
  • Safety Tips: Always go in groups carry flashlights, and inform someone of your whereabouts.
  • Respect Local Communities: Engage with locals respectfully and honor their traditions and property.


Lebanon’s haunted locations offer a unique blend of history culture and supernatural intrigue. These sites provide not only ghostly encounters but also a deep connection to the country’s rich past. By preserving these locations and sharing their stories we honor the cultural and historical significance they hold.

Have you visited any of these haunted locations or experienced any paranormal activity in Lebanon We’d love to hear your stories Share your experiences in the comments below and join our community of paranormal enthusiasts history buffs and adventure seekers. Let’s keep the conversation and exploration alive.


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