Top 10 Haunted Places in Angola
Horror Locations in Angola
If you are looking for some spooky destinations to visit in Angola, you might be interested in this list of the top ten haunted locations in the country. These places are said to be haunted by ghosts, spirits, and other paranormal phenomena that will send chills down your spine. Here are the top ten haunted locations in Angola:
1. Fortaleza de São Miguel – Haunted Places in Angola
This fortress was built by the Portuguese in 1576 and served as a military base, a slave trade center, and a prison. Many people died here from torture, disease, and executions. Some of the ghosts that are said to haunt this place include a headless priest, a woman in white, and a phantom soldier.

2. Palácio de Ferro – Haunted Places in Angola
This iron palace was designed by Gustave Eiffel, the same architect who built the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It was shipped from France to Angola in the late 19th century, but it was never assembled due to political and logistical problems. It remained in crates for decades until it was finally erected in 1930. Some people believe that the palace is cursed and that it attracts misfortune and death to anyone who enters it.

3. Cemitério do Alto das Cruzes – Haunted Places in Angola
This cemetery is one of the oldest and largest in Luanda, the capital of Angola. It is also one of the most haunted, as many people have reported seeing apparitions, hearing voices, and feeling cold spots. Some of the graves here date back to the colonial era and contain the remains of soldiers, slaves, and nobles.

4. Hotel Presidente – Haunted Places in Angola
This hotel is located in the heart of Luanda and offers a stunning view of the bay. However, it also has a dark history, as it was the scene of a brutal massacre in 1979. A group of rebels stormed the hotel and killed dozens of guests and staff members, including the then-president of Angola, Agostinho Neto. Some people claim that they can still hear screams and gunshots coming from the hotel at night.

5. Ilha do Mussulo – Haunted Places in Angola
This island is a popular tourist destination for its beautiful beaches and resorts. However, it also has a sinister reputation, as it was once a burial ground for slaves who died during the transatlantic trade. Some locals believe that the island is haunted by the restless souls of these slaves, who manifest as shadows, lights, and noises.

6. Miradouro da Lua – Haunted Places in Angola
This scenic spot is located on the coast south of Luanda and offers a breathtaking view of the moonlit ocean. However, it also has a tragic history, as it was the site of a plane crash in 1983 that killed 130 people, including several government officials. Some people say that they can still see the wreckage of the plane and the ghosts of the victims on the cliff.

7. Kwanza River Bridge – Haunted Places in Angola
This bridge crosses over the Kwanza River, which is one of the longest and most important rivers in Angola. It was built in 1951 and was considered an engineering marvel at the time. However, it also has a haunted reputation, as many people have reported seeing a ghostly figure walking on the bridge at night. Some say that it is the spirit of a woman who committed suicide by jumping off the bridge.

8. Caxito Sugar Factory – Haunted Places in Angola
This factory is located in Caxito, a town north of Luanda. It was built in 1973 and was one of the largest sugar producers in Africa. However, it was also the site of a horrific accident in 1984, when a fire broke out and killed 18 workers who were trapped inside. Some people say that they can still smell smoke and hear screams coming from the factory.

9. Quifangondo Battlefield – Haunted Places in Angola
This battlefield is located near Quifangondo, a village north of Luanda. It was the scene of a decisive battle in 1975 between the MPLA (the ruling party of Angola) and UNITA (a rebel group). The battle resulted in thousands of casualties on both sides and marked the beginning of a long civil war that lasted until 2002. Some people say that they can still see bloodstains on the ground and hear gunshots and explosions in the air.

10. Tundavala Gap – Haunted Places in Angola
This gap is located near Lubango, a city in southern Angola. It is a natural wonder that offers a spectacular view of the surrounding landscape from an altitude of over 2000 meters. However, it also has a sad history, as it was used as a dumping ground for political prisoners during the colonial era and the civil war. Some people say that they can still hear cries and moans coming from the abyss.