Top 10 Haunted Places in Andorra – Horror Locations in Andorra

Haunted Places in Andorra - Creepyhq

Top 10 Haunted Places in Andorra

Horror Locations in Andorra

Andorra is a small country in the Pyrenees mountains, famous for its ski resorts, medieval churches, and scenic views. But did you know that Andorra also has some spooky places that are said to be haunted by ghosts and spirits? If you are looking for a thrill, here are the top ten haunted locations in Andorra that you can visit…if you dare!

1. La Casa de la Vall – Haunted Places in Andorra

This historic building in Andorra la Vella is the seat of the government and the parliament of Andorra. It was built in 1580 as a manor house and a fortification, and it has witnessed many important events in the country’s history. Some say that the ghosts of former rulers and politicians still roam the halls and chambers of La Casa de la Vall, especially at night. You might hear footsteps, whispers, or even see apparitions of figures dressed in old-fashioned clothes.

La Casa de la Valls - Haunted Places in Andorra - creepyhq
Image: Wikipedia

2. Sant Esteve Church – Haunted Places in Andorra

This Romanesque church in Andorra la Vella dates back to the 12th century and is one of the oldest and most beautiful churches in the country. It has a rich collection of art and relics, but also some eerie stories. Some visitors have reported feeling a cold breeze, hearing strange noises, or seeing shadows moving in the church. Some believe that the church is haunted by the souls of those who were buried in its crypt or by the victims of the Spanish Civil War, which affected Andorra in the 1930s.

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Image: Wikipedia

3. Santa Coloma Church – Haunted Places in Andorra

This church in Santa Coloma village is another Romanesque gem, with a unique circular shape and a bell tower that stands out from the landscape. The church is surrounded by a cemetery, where many locals are buried. Some say that the church and the graveyard are haunted by restless spirits who wander around at night, looking for peace or revenge. You might hear moans, screams, or bells ringing from the church tower.

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Image: Wikipedia

4. Hotel Coma – Haunted Places in Andorra

This hotel in Ordino is a popular place for skiers and hikers who want to enjoy the nature and the views of Andorra. But it is also a place where some paranormal activity has been reported. Guests and staff have claimed to see ghostly figures walking in the corridors, disappearing into thin air, or appearing in mirrors. Some have also felt cold spots, heard voices, or experienced electrical malfunctions. The hotel is said to be haunted by several ghosts, including a woman who died in one of the rooms, a man who hanged himself in the attic, and a child who fell from a balcony.

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5. Caldea Spa – Haunted Places in Andorra

This spa complex in Escaldes-Engordany is one of the largest and most modern thermal spas in Europe, with pools, saunas, jacuzzis, and treatments that use the natural hot water from the springs. But beneath its sleek surface, there is a dark history. The spa was built on an ancient site where pagan rituals and sacrifices were performed. Some say that the spa is cursed by the spirits of those who were killed there, and that they manifest themselves as orbs, mists, or flashes of light. Some guests have also reported feeling uneasy, dizzy, or nauseous while in the spa.

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Image: Wikipedia

6. Casa de les Bruixes – Haunted Places in Andorra

This house in Canillo is also known as the House of Witches, because it was once the home of a family of women who were accused of witchcraft in the 17th century. They were tortured and burned at the stake by the Inquisition, and their house was abandoned and shunned by the locals. Some say that their ghosts still haunt the house, seeking revenge or justice. You might hear screams, laughter, or chants coming from the house, or see strange symbols or marks on its walls.

Casa de les Bruixes - Haunted Places in Andorra - creepyhq
Image: Wikipedia

7. La Massana Cable Car – Haunted Places in Andorra

This cable car connects La Massana town with Pal ski resort, offering spectacular views of the mountains and valleys. But it is also a place where some tragic accidents have occurred. In 1999, a cable car crashed into another one, killing one person and injuring several others. In 2003, another cable car caught fire, forcing passengers to evacuate in mid-air. Some say that these incidents were caused by a curse or by sabotage, and that the cable car is haunted by those who died or suffered there. You might feel a sudden drop, a jolt, or a change in temperature while riding the cable car.

La Massana Cable Car - Haunted Places in Andorra - creepyhq
Image: Wikipedia

8. Sant Joan de Caselles Church – Haunted Places in Andorra

This church in Canillo is one of the most impressive examples of Romanesque architecture in Andorra, with its frescoes, sculptures, and altarpiece. It is also one of the most mysterious places in Andorra, because it contains a secret chamber that is hidden behind a false wall. The chamber was discovered in 1977 by an archaeologist who found a skeleton, a sword, and a parchment inside. The identity and the purpose of the chamber are still unknown, but some speculate that it was a tomb, a treasure, or a ritual site. Some say that the chamber is haunted by the skeleton, who guards its secrets.

Sant Joan de Caselles Church - Haunted Places in Andorra - creepyhq
Image: Wikipedia

9. Hotel Roc Blanc – Haunted Places in Andorra

This hotel in Escaldes-Engordany is another luxury hotel that offers spa services and comfort to its guests. But it is also a place where some strange phenomena have been observed. Some guests have reported seeing objects moving by themselves, doors opening and closing, or lights flickering. Some have also felt someone touching them, pushing them, or pulling their hair. The hotel is said to be haunted by a ghost named Maria, who was a maid who worked there in the 1950s. She was in love with a guest who betrayed her and left her pregnant. She killed herself in one of the rooms, and now she haunts the hotel, looking for her lover.

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10. Pas de la Casa – Haunted Places in Andorra

This town near the border with France is one of the most popular ski resorts in Andorra, with many slopes, shops, bars, and restaurants. But it is also a place where some creepy stories have been told. Some skiers have reported seeing ghostly skiers on the slopes, who vanish when approached. Some have also heard screams or cries coming from the woods or the mountains. Some believe that these are the ghosts of skiers who died in avalanches, accidents, or hypothermia, and that they haunt the town and the slopes.

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Image: Wikipedia

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